As our school is a community school, the school determines the admission arrangements in agreement with the LA. The LA is therefore the ‘Admissions Authority’ for our school. The regulations for entry to each school, where the Admissions Authority is the LA, are published each year by the LA. The LA publishes an admissions prospectus each year, which gives information about how parents can apply for a place at the school of their choice.
Parents have a right to express a preference for the school of their choice and they should do so on the application form. Expressing a preference does not, in itself, guarantee a place at this school. The LA notifies parents about the school place as soon as all the applications have been considered.
We have a 26 place Nursery. Children can start Nursery from 3 years old. Places for this provision are registered with the school, please come in and talk to Mrs McMahon in the office.
Once parents have accepted the school place, they are requested to attend a meeting with the Office Manager in order to complete the application forms. Prior to admission, parents are invited to attend a meeting with the Headteacher who will provide an overview of the school.
Please click on the following link for the Wolverhampton LA School's Admission arrangements:

For further information about admissions, please click on the following link: