At Bushbury Hill Primary we believe all children should have an equal opportunity to participate in and enjoy a broad and balanced curriculum according to their needs, abilities and interests. We aim to remove all barriers to achievement and enable every child to ‘Be the best that they can be’.
​Our SEND Information Report forms part of the Wolverhampton Local Offer for Learners with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND) and sets out what we provide for children and young people with SEND throughout their time with us.
Please click here to view our SEND Policy.
Please click here to view our SEN Information Report.
At Bushbury Hill Primary School, we have our own on-site Educational Psychologist, Lucinda Dunn, for 1 day a fortnight as well as a Speech and Language Development Officer, Julie Higgins, for 2 days a week.
Our SENCO, Analiese Collings accesses a range of Outreach services available to meet specific needs of children with SEN, including:
School Nurse.
City of Wolverhampton Council Inclusion Support
Speech and Language Team (SALT)
Special Needs Early Years’ service (SNEYs)
The Information, Advice and Support Service: for special educational needs and disability (formerly known as Parent Partnership)
Wolverhampton Outreach Service
Vision Impaired Team
Hearing Impaired Team
Occupational Therapy
The Wolverhampton Local Offer sets out all services available to support young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities, from birth to 25 years, and their families.
Please click here for more information about the Wolverhampton Local Offer.
Please click here for Wolverhampton Information, Advice and Support Service.